Saturday, November 22, 2014

They Couldn't See The Forest For The Trees

The Republican party missed an opportunity to make history but they "couldn't see the forest for the trees." From the beginning of Barack Obama's history-making inauguration, the leaders of the GOP have chosen a different agenda.

If they hadn't been so blinded by their hate, they might have instead worked with the Obama administration. But, compromise was a dirty word in their lexicon. They met that first evening of Obama's presidency and chose the strategy of obstruction.

They weren't even subtle about it. They announced their goal to make him a one term president. Whenever President Obama took any action by adjusting policy, the GOP jumped before the cameras and told the American people they were going to sue him. They held endless hearings trying in vain to pin something on him to discredit his legacy.

Even when they did attempt bipartisan action on budget or immigration, the money men behind the obstruction plan would not allow them to finalize it.

The question in my mind is this:  How long are the American people going to put up with this? We can and should demand our representatives chart a different course.  Will you be part of the change or part of the problem. Doing nothing will make you part of the problem.

The least you can do is contact your representatives in Congress.

But you can do more. You can attend public meetings and get involved at the grassroots level. You can work to support a candidate who shares your views on the future of America. It isn't too late!

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