As I sit here reviewing this year, I'm thinking of all the things that happened which no one anticipated! For example, last year at this time would you have believed that Donald Trump would be the leading candidate of the Republican Party? Would you have believed that Iran would willingly hand over its enriched uranium stockpile to another country? Would you have believed that Bill Cosby would finally face criminal charges for all the times he's "allegedly" drugged and sexually assaulted 50+ women? Would you have believed that Bruce Jenner would become a woman? These are just a few of the many news items that none of us could have predicted!
This makes me wonder about 2016. What stories will we discussing this time next year? Do you have any predictions to make?
I, for one, don't want to know. I'm thankful I don't have a crystal ball. Let's just sit back and watch it all unfold.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Monday, December 21, 2015
Out of Hiding
In 2008, the haters crawled out from under their rocks (Hoods, in some cases) and started the march to where we are today. When Barack Obama was elected the first Black person to ever hold the office of president, the haters began their campaign. Actually, they started during his candidacy to question everything about him, from his birth to his faith and sexuality. They have been relentless in challenging anything he's tried to do, even many ideas they originally promoted.
Now we arrive on the brink of 2016 and what do we have? The hater-in-chief, Donald Trump, is the leading candidate of the Republican Party. The decent members of his party are silent while this hater loudly, Andy proudly insults everyone they've secretly hated all these years. His supporters say he just "Tells it like it is." Well, I have news for them. That may be how it is in the haters' corner of the Republican party; but, that's not how it is for the rest of us. We don't thrive on fear and hatred.
The Democratic party is a big tent party. We look to address the concerns of ALL Americans. Yes, we care about rich White people. But, we also care about every segment of our society. We believe that a rising tide lifts all ships. We want policy that makes life better for everyone. We also believe that LOVE TRUMPS HATE. The haters are going to lose. They can't survive on a diet of hate and fear.
Now we arrive on the brink of 2016 and what do we have? The hater-in-chief, Donald Trump, is the leading candidate of the Republican Party. The decent members of his party are silent while this hater loudly, Andy proudly insults everyone they've secretly hated all these years. His supporters say he just "Tells it like it is." Well, I have news for them. That may be how it is in the haters' corner of the Republican party; but, that's not how it is for the rest of us. We don't thrive on fear and hatred.
The Democratic party is a big tent party. We look to address the concerns of ALL Americans. Yes, we care about rich White people. But, we also care about every segment of our society. We believe that a rising tide lifts all ships. We want policy that makes life better for everyone. We also believe that LOVE TRUMPS HATE. The haters are going to lose. They can't survive on a diet of hate and fear.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Putting a Face to the Uninsured
Our heartless Republican party does not care about the multitude of uninsured in America. We know that because they are relentless in their quest to do away with Obamacare. Many Republican governors refuse to expand Medicaid so that many of their neediest citizens are unable to get healthcare coverage. Many have to do without healthcare at a time when they need it most. Here is a story about one family.
Amy Rodriguez is a mother who knows how this refusal to expand Medicaid affects so many. Her daughter, Genesis, has a lung disorder called Middle Lobe Syndrome. When Gen was 17 surgeons removed half of her lung. She needs daily medication such as Pulmozyme and Albuterol to ward off fluid build up in her lungs and treat her asthma. These medications cost nearly $4,000.00 per month!
Just before her 20th birthday, this young woman entered the Medicaid gap. The state of Florida declared her independent and made her no longer eligible to receive benefits under their Medicaid system. Her mother does not make enough money to purchase Affordable Care Act insurance without subsidies and Florida refuses to expand Medicaid.
Genesis is one of over 800,000 Floridians and 4,000,000 Americans who fall into this gap. These individuals are forced to go without needed prescriptions and medical care.
How can one political party be so heartless? You can read this article from the Washington Post about Genesis for yourself. Then, decide what you will do about it. You have options. You can move on and forget it. Or you can act! Contact your representatives in Congress. Write letters to the editor. Get involved in social media to increase awareness of how Republican refusal to expand Medicaid is impacting the lives of so many Americans. You can also tweet this post to @Montel_Williams and ask him to help. If each of us does something, perhaps we can sway a few governors and legislatures into action. Please consider what you can do and then ACT!
Amy Rodriguez is a mother who knows how this refusal to expand Medicaid affects so many. Her daughter, Genesis, has a lung disorder called Middle Lobe Syndrome. When Gen was 17 surgeons removed half of her lung. She needs daily medication such as Pulmozyme and Albuterol to ward off fluid build up in her lungs and treat her asthma. These medications cost nearly $4,000.00 per month!
Just before her 20th birthday, this young woman entered the Medicaid gap. The state of Florida declared her independent and made her no longer eligible to receive benefits under their Medicaid system. Her mother does not make enough money to purchase Affordable Care Act insurance without subsidies and Florida refuses to expand Medicaid.
Genesis is one of over 800,000 Floridians and 4,000,000 Americans who fall into this gap. These individuals are forced to go without needed prescriptions and medical care.
How can one political party be so heartless? You can read this article from the Washington Post about Genesis for yourself. Then, decide what you will do about it. You have options. You can move on and forget it. Or you can act! Contact your representatives in Congress. Write letters to the editor. Get involved in social media to increase awareness of how Republican refusal to expand Medicaid is impacting the lives of so many Americans. You can also tweet this post to @Montel_Williams and ask him to help. If each of us does something, perhaps we can sway a few governors and legislatures into action. Please consider what you can do and then ACT!
Friday, December 11, 2015
Bullies, Victims, and Bystanders
We are either a bully, a victim, or a bystander. Frequently, we've held all three roles. Hopefully, most of us have turned away from bullying others. I used to teach elementary students about these three roles. I taught them ways to handle bullies as there is often no one right way. But, the most important lessons were always about bystanders. You see, bystanders have enormous power to make a real difference in a bullying situation.
Donald Trump is a classic bully. His followers support him in this by saying he just, "tells it like it is." They are the type of bystanders who go along with the bully for various reasons. Some do it out of fear. These are the other GOP candidates who fear angering the bully into running a third party candidacy. Others go along with the bully because they believe in him and support his meanness. These are the people at his rallies who echo what he says.
Trump's victims are myriad. They range from Mexicans to Syrian refugees to Muslims. Everyday, he pronounces a new set of victims for his followers to hate and fear.
What can we bystanders who do not support his hate do when we hear or see his type of bullying in action? We have choices. We can say and do nothing. Many do that out of fear of becoming the next victim. We can support the victim in various ways. But, most importantly, we can speak up. We can call out the bully, name the behavior, offer aid to the victim, and inform the authorities if necessary!
Ask yourself what you would want the bystanders to do if someone were bullying you? Treat others the way you'd want to be treated. Pretty simple, isn't it?
Donald Trump is a classic bully. His followers support him in this by saying he just, "tells it like it is." They are the type of bystanders who go along with the bully for various reasons. Some do it out of fear. These are the other GOP candidates who fear angering the bully into running a third party candidacy. Others go along with the bully because they believe in him and support his meanness. These are the people at his rallies who echo what he says.
Trump's victims are myriad. They range from Mexicans to Syrian refugees to Muslims. Everyday, he pronounces a new set of victims for his followers to hate and fear.
What can we bystanders who do not support his hate do when we hear or see his type of bullying in action? We have choices. We can say and do nothing. Many do that out of fear of becoming the next victim. We can support the victim in various ways. But, most importantly, we can speak up. We can call out the bully, name the behavior, offer aid to the victim, and inform the authorities if necessary!
Ask yourself what you would want the bystanders to do if someone were bullying you? Treat others the way you'd want to be treated. Pretty simple, isn't it?
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Donald Trump and American Values
Many say that Donald Trump's proposals regarding Muslims go against American Values. But, what exactly are American values? In 2012 The Pew Research Center attempted to find out. They did a survey of Americans to try to discover which values Americans held dear to their hearts. What they found should not surprise anyone who's been paying attention to the political landscape recently.
From their introduction to the survey, "The 2012 Pew Research Center Values Survey finds that Americans’ values and basic beliefs are more polarized along partisan lines than at any point in the past 25 years. Party has now become the single largest fissure in American society, with the values gap between Republicans and Democrats greater than gender, age, race or class divides."
If you were asked today to list what you believe are core American values, do you think your list would be the same as your best friend, your partner, your parents, your neighbor, your representatives in Congress, or your President? What values do you think Donald Trump violates by his various pronouncements regarding "others"? His followers seem to hold those same values. They say he represents their views just fine!
Remember the ideals, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? How about fairness, honesty, equality, individualism, respect, responsibility, trustworthiness? Are those values that we can support and desire for ourselves and others? Let's not forget Democracy.
If you consider the Pew Study, you will realize that Democrats and Republicans have different values. There really is no one set of values that everyone agrees represents all Americans. Each party has a platform that you can read where they set forth objectives that reflect the values dear to each party.
Here is the GOP platform:
And here is the Democratic platform:
Then, read how Donald Trump is trumping the values that both parties hold dear:
I think it is time for everyone to speak out about Donald Trump. If he represents your values. then say so, loud and clear for all to hear. And vice versa, if he violates your values, then say so loud and clear for all to hear. There is no middle ground.
From their introduction to the survey, "The 2012 Pew Research Center Values Survey finds that Americans’ values and basic beliefs are more polarized along partisan lines than at any point in the past 25 years. Party has now become the single largest fissure in American society, with the values gap between Republicans and Democrats greater than gender, age, race or class divides."
If you were asked today to list what you believe are core American values, do you think your list would be the same as your best friend, your partner, your parents, your neighbor, your representatives in Congress, or your President? What values do you think Donald Trump violates by his various pronouncements regarding "others"? His followers seem to hold those same values. They say he represents their views just fine!
Remember the ideals, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? How about fairness, honesty, equality, individualism, respect, responsibility, trustworthiness? Are those values that we can support and desire for ourselves and others? Let's not forget Democracy.
If you consider the Pew Study, you will realize that Democrats and Republicans have different values. There really is no one set of values that everyone agrees represents all Americans. Each party has a platform that you can read where they set forth objectives that reflect the values dear to each party.
Here is the GOP platform:
And here is the Democratic platform:
Then, read how Donald Trump is trumping the values that both parties hold dear:
I think it is time for everyone to speak out about Donald Trump. If he represents your values. then say so, loud and clear for all to hear. And vice versa, if he violates your values, then say so loud and clear for all to hear. There is no middle ground.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics
Many political pundits seem to rely on the general public's lack of knowledge of statistics and polling practices to spread their message. Consumers of data need to become savvy in learning how to understand statistics and polling data so that we can't be duped by their propaganda. The phrase, "Question everything!" should apply everyday as we try to make sense of the information being fed to us.
I previously published a blog post on what the consumer needs to know about polling. Good media sources should know how to analyze and present polling data. But, far too often they don't do their job. You can access this piece here: There is a National Council on Public Polls (NCPP) and they offer advice for consumers of polling data. I would encourage the reader to visit their website and learn how to question the information that we are being given.
If you spend any time on the Internet, you know that it can be a great source for information and for misinformation. How does one determine the reliability of sources and information? Do you question an item or blindly pass it on because it agrees with your position? Do you desire to learn how to be a good consumer of information? If so, then I encourage you to read this article:
It is from the website: which is "often the first source that librarians recommend when researchers are seeking original, comprehensive reporting and analysis on issues in the news." From the about section: "Founded in 1923 as Editorial Research Reports, CQ Researcher is noted for its in-depth, unbiased coverage of health, social trends, criminal justice, international affairs, education, the environment, technology and the economy. Reports are published in print and online 44 times a year by CQ Press, an imprint of SAGE Publications."
This is a great resource for accurate, opinion free, information on a variety of topics. Hope this helps you on your quest to be a good consumer of information.
I previously published a blog post on what the consumer needs to know about polling. Good media sources should know how to analyze and present polling data. But, far too often they don't do their job. You can access this piece here: There is a National Council on Public Polls (NCPP) and they offer advice for consumers of polling data. I would encourage the reader to visit their website and learn how to question the information that we are being given.
If you spend any time on the Internet, you know that it can be a great source for information and for misinformation. How does one determine the reliability of sources and information? Do you question an item or blindly pass it on because it agrees with your position? Do you desire to learn how to be a good consumer of information? If so, then I encourage you to read this article:
It is from the website: which is "often the first source that librarians recommend when researchers are seeking original, comprehensive reporting and analysis on issues in the news." From the about section: "Founded in 1923 as Editorial Research Reports, CQ Researcher is noted for its in-depth, unbiased coverage of health, social trends, criminal justice, international affairs, education, the environment, technology and the economy. Reports are published in print and online 44 times a year by CQ Press, an imprint of SAGE Publications."
This is a great resource for accurate, opinion free, information on a variety of topics. Hope this helps you on your quest to be a good consumer of information.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Trump's Supporters
I think I've figured out what's wrong with Trump's supporters. Somewhere in their upbringing they were never taught that "two wrongs don't make a right." It's a basic truth that most parents try to instill in their children. But, when asked about Trump's lies, his supporters often say that Washington DC is based on too many lies. In their minds then, that somehow justifies what Trump is doing. They see him as just playing the game.
Here's a good article exposing that actually motivates Trump's supporters.
The anti-abortion people also follow the idea that by killing abortion providers they are being pro-life. Nothing could be further from the truth. If they truly wanted to reduce the number of abortions, they would be supportive of birth control. And that is one of the services that Planned Parenthood provides.
So, let's be clear. Mom was right! It is a moral principle that two wrongs do not make a right.
Here's a good article exposing that actually motivates Trump's supporters.
The anti-abortion people also follow the idea that by killing abortion providers they are being pro-life. Nothing could be further from the truth. If they truly wanted to reduce the number of abortions, they would be supportive of birth control. And that is one of the services that Planned Parenthood provides.
So, let's be clear. Mom was right! It is a moral principle that two wrongs do not make a right.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
The Fourth Estate
What is the Fourth Estate and why should we care? Sir Edmund Burke, a British politician, first used the term to describe the press. He believed that they were more important than the government.
Today the term applies to all forms of media. Why are they important? If they are doing their job, they are a vital source of accurate information for citizens. We need them because we cannot research everything ourselves. We need informed citizens so they can elect honorable politicians and vote out the scoundrels.
The average citizen has many politicians who are making decisions that directly or indirectly affect their lives. These range from their local town council and school board to state officials and the Federal government. We have the obligation to be informed about these people and the Fourth Estate needs to be a source we can use and trust.
Sadly, many forms of media have now become "entertainment" rather than information sources. Cable news shows run with the first, often incorrect, information on any event so they can beat the others to the punch. We know now that we can't trust them. They sensationalize to gin up their ratings and sell more advertisement.
With the increasing influence of the Internet, we have social media and bloggers trying to fill the void left by the weakening of the traditional Fourth Estate. But, many of those sources are also unreliable.
In my opinion we all need to find good sources of information and then share them with others.
Let’s celebrate #WorldPressDay with a strong commitment to support our free press in all its iterations.
Today the term applies to all forms of media. Why are they important? If they are doing their job, they are a vital source of accurate information for citizens. We need them because we cannot research everything ourselves. We need informed citizens so they can elect honorable politicians and vote out the scoundrels.
The average citizen has many politicians who are making decisions that directly or indirectly affect their lives. These range from their local town council and school board to state officials and the Federal government. We have the obligation to be informed about these people and the Fourth Estate needs to be a source we can use and trust.
Sadly, many forms of media have now become "entertainment" rather than information sources. Cable news shows run with the first, often incorrect, information on any event so they can beat the others to the punch. We know now that we can't trust them. They sensationalize to gin up their ratings and sell more advertisement.
With the increasing influence of the Internet, we have social media and bloggers trying to fill the void left by the weakening of the traditional Fourth Estate. But, many of those sources are also unreliable.
In my opinion we all need to find good sources of information and then share them with others.
Let’s celebrate #WorldPressDay with a strong commitment to support our free press in all its iterations.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Putting Faces to the Failure of GOP Policies
Today I want to tell you about a fearless warrior who is trying to cope with his own disabilities while sharing the stories of others who are coping with serious health issues. Fred Christian has set his goal to call attention to what happens to real people when GOP policies get in the way. When Republican governors refuse to expand Medicaid, real people get caught in the gap. They can't afford to purchase healthcare and must resort to desperate measures to try to survive. You can read Fred's personal story here:
The United States Supreme Court ruling allowed states to opt out of expanding Medicaid. So far, 29 states and the District of Columbia have chosen to expand Medicaid to help their citizens afford healthcare.
You can help Fred call attention and awareness to the need for Medicaid expansion. You can check out Fred's Facebook page:
or his Twitter feed: You can also follow his YouTube:
Fred has also created a few Facebook pages to help share the message of the needs of so many who fall into the gap between Medicaid and Medicaid expansion and cannot afford healthcare. Issues We Face: and Expand Medicaid Now People Need Help: and his latest effort is Team Code Blue Stop The War on the Poor and Sick:
If you are on Facebook, please like Fred's pages and join his groups. Fred never gives up! And we can't either until everyone in America has healthcare coverage!
You can also read more about Fred's journey in the Miami Herald here:
I hope this inspires you to act. Please share his story and maybe even write a letter to the editor or a letter to a Republican! Thanks!
The United States Supreme Court ruling allowed states to opt out of expanding Medicaid. So far, 29 states and the District of Columbia have chosen to expand Medicaid to help their citizens afford healthcare.
You can help Fred call attention and awareness to the need for Medicaid expansion. You can check out Fred's Facebook page:
or his Twitter feed: You can also follow his YouTube:
Fred has also created a few Facebook pages to help share the message of the needs of so many who fall into the gap between Medicaid and Medicaid expansion and cannot afford healthcare. Issues We Face: and Expand Medicaid Now People Need Help: and his latest effort is Team Code Blue Stop The War on the Poor and Sick:
If you are on Facebook, please like Fred's pages and join his groups. Fred never gives up! And we can't either until everyone in America has healthcare coverage!
You can also read more about Fred's journey in the Miami Herald here:
I hope this inspires you to act. Please share his story and maybe even write a letter to the editor or a letter to a Republican! Thanks!
Thursday, October 29, 2015
It was Billed the Economy Debate
Last night both the hosts and the candidates needed to turn the discussion away from the economy, Why? Well, mainly because under Republican leadership, the economy suffers. There are many reasons why the economy does better when Democrats are in charge. You can read some of them for yourself here:
These aren't someone's opinions. These are cold, hard facts! So, this is not something that Republicans deal with easily. Remember the Republican spokesperson during Mitt Romney's campaign who said, "We don't need no fact checker!"? To Republicans, facts are just stuff you say to appeal to your base and have no real basis in reality other than to pander to them for political gain.
Last night, the CNBC moderators could have asked about the need to improve our rapidly degrading infrastructure. They could have asked about what the candidates were planning to do to change the decline in incomes for middle class workers. They could have asked how privatizing government services would benefit the middle class. They could have asked how the candidates would continue and improve job growth. But, they didn't.
We Democrats know that Republicans bring us recessions. We must do our part to register voters and work to encourage more people to get involved in politics. We can't afford another Republican in the White House. My candidate has been vocal about warning people to this reality and she is speaking the facts!
Let's be smart and elect Democrats! Elect them at every level from the school board to the White House!
These aren't someone's opinions. These are cold, hard facts! So, this is not something that Republicans deal with easily. Remember the Republican spokesperson during Mitt Romney's campaign who said, "We don't need no fact checker!"? To Republicans, facts are just stuff you say to appeal to your base and have no real basis in reality other than to pander to them for political gain.
Last night, the CNBC moderators could have asked about the need to improve our rapidly degrading infrastructure. They could have asked about what the candidates were planning to do to change the decline in incomes for middle class workers. They could have asked how privatizing government services would benefit the middle class. They could have asked how the candidates would continue and improve job growth. But, they didn't.
We Democrats know that Republicans bring us recessions. We must do our part to register voters and work to encourage more people to get involved in politics. We can't afford another Republican in the White House. My candidate has been vocal about warning people to this reality and she is speaking the facts!
Let's be smart and elect Democrats! Elect them at every level from the school board to the White House!
Monday, October 26, 2015
Simple Solutions
Trump's magic lies in his simple solutions. He tells his base that our current leaders are just stupid and if he's in charge everything will be better. When pressed for how he'd do it, he responds, "I'll do it and I'll do it better than anyone else!" They love his bravado!
When did voters lose common sense? People used to know that our problems require effort and compromise. The reality is that THERE ARE NO SIMPLE SOLUTIONS! Today's problems require hard work and teamwork. Both sides need to focus on common values and then bring solutions to the table that make sense to both sides.
Without compromise we'd never have gotten our constitution. Without compromise no laws would ever make it to the President's desk for a signature. Yet, we now have folks like Trump saying he'd just make it happen.
The Freedom Caucus in the House of Representatives has a stranglehold on politics. They are adamantly opposed to compromise. They view it as a sign of weakness. How will Trump work with people who are just as strident in their world view has he is?
Trump's magic is smoke and mirrors. The sooner folks wake up to that realization, the sooner we can get down to the real business of electing a president who will work for the whole country.
When did voters lose common sense? People used to know that our problems require effort and compromise. The reality is that THERE ARE NO SIMPLE SOLUTIONS! Today's problems require hard work and teamwork. Both sides need to focus on common values and then bring solutions to the table that make sense to both sides.
Without compromise we'd never have gotten our constitution. Without compromise no laws would ever make it to the President's desk for a signature. Yet, we now have folks like Trump saying he'd just make it happen.
The Freedom Caucus in the House of Representatives has a stranglehold on politics. They are adamantly opposed to compromise. They view it as a sign of weakness. How will Trump work with people who are just as strident in their world view has he is?
Trump's magic is smoke and mirrors. The sooner folks wake up to that realization, the sooner we can get down to the real business of electing a president who will work for the whole country.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Grief's Effects on Health
Grief has a profound effect on a person's physical health. As a person deals with grief, symptoms such as insomnia, loss of appetite, exhaustion, trouble concentrating are often present. In addition, while dealing with grief, a person also experiences feelings of guilt, anxiety, anger, worry, and often a spiritual crisis as the person questions their faith and religious dogma.
Most experts in healthy grieving stress these effects and advise the grieving person to delay making major decisions for a significant period of time.
Having experienced significant grief in my own life, I do not believe it is wise for Joe Biden to decide to run for president. He needs time to heal and America needs a president who is fully ready and able to take up the great burden of leadership that the presidency entails.
Monday, September 28, 2015
A Recurring Theme
During Pope Francis' six day visit in the United States, a recurring theme emerged in his messages. The theme was his call for dialog. How exactly is dialog different from discussion? Which is more effective as a form of exchange of communication?
I discovered a great resource at the Co-Intelligence Institute. Here, they note that most conversations are more like a ping pong game than true dialog. In conversations most "participants are hitting their very solid ideas and well-defended positions back and forth."
Contrast that image with this: "Dialogue, in contrast, involves joining our thinking and feeling into a shared pool of meaning which continually flows and evolves, carrying us all into new, deeper levels of understanding none of us could have foreseen. Through dialogue "a new kind of mind begins to come into being," observed Bohm, "based on the development of common meaning... People are no longer primarily in opposition, nor can they be said to be interacting, rather they are participating in this pool of common meaning, which is capable of constant development and change."
What are the essential elements that can turn conversations into dialog? According to the Institute, dialog must include these five elements:
I discovered a great resource at the Co-Intelligence Institute. Here, they note that most conversations are more like a ping pong game than true dialog. In conversations most "participants are hitting their very solid ideas and well-defended positions back and forth."
Contrast that image with this: "Dialogue, in contrast, involves joining our thinking and feeling into a shared pool of meaning which continually flows and evolves, carrying us all into new, deeper levels of understanding none of us could have foreseen. Through dialogue "a new kind of mind begins to come into being," observed Bohm, "based on the development of common meaning... People are no longer primarily in opposition, nor can they be said to be interacting, rather they are participating in this pool of common meaning, which is capable of constant development and change."
What are the essential elements that can turn conversations into dialog? According to the Institute, dialog must include these five elements:
- We talk about what's really important to us.
- We really listen to each other. We see how thoroughly we can understand each other's views and experience.
- We say what's true for us without making each other wrong.
- We see what we can learn together by exploring things together.
- We avoid monopolizing the conversation. We make sure everyone has a chance to speak.
We can answer the Pope's call to dialog. Try it now. I believe, as he did, that it is possible. Will you give it a shot?
Friday, September 25, 2015
The Human Dilemma
When I was growing up, my grandmother used to tell me that each of us had two natures (she used a dog as the imagery). One was selfish and greedy and the other was good and kind. She told me that how we feed them determined the control they had over our lives.
Yesterday, I was reading the introduction to David Brook's new book, The Road to Character. In it Brooks tells of a book that got him thinking about two sets of virtues. The book, Lonely Man of Faith by Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik, describes two Adam's as related in the two versions of Creation in the book of Genesis. Adam I, Soloveitchik says, is career-oriented and seeks to amass credentials and goods. Adam II is seeking to love and sacrifice self in the service of others.
I thought of this when I heard Pope Francis speak to Congress. I believe that the Pope was appealing to the Adam II persona in each of us. The question remains as my grandma used to ask me: Which one will you feed?
Yesterday, I was reading the introduction to David Brook's new book, The Road to Character. In it Brooks tells of a book that got him thinking about two sets of virtues. The book, Lonely Man of Faith by Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik, describes two Adam's as related in the two versions of Creation in the book of Genesis. Adam I, Soloveitchik says, is career-oriented and seeks to amass credentials and goods. Adam II is seeking to love and sacrifice self in the service of others.
I thought of this when I heard Pope Francis speak to Congress. I believe that the Pope was appealing to the Adam II persona in each of us. The question remains as my grandma used to ask me: Which one will you feed?
Monday, September 14, 2015
Religious Liberty
America was founded by people seeking the freedom to practice their religion. In other countries there was a state supported religion and people faced actual persecution for practicing any other religion. Our Founding Fathers felt so strongly about this freedom they enshrined it in the Bill of Rights.
Now, we have groups of fundamentalists who are so afraid of other religions that they want to impose their religion- their form of Christianity on everyone. They believe their views are more important than the Constitution. What they don't realize is that the Bill of Rights protects their right to practice their religion too. No one who follows The Constitution can impose their religion on anyone else. This is a very important right that we have as Americans. We can't allow county clerks in Kentucky or Secretaries of State in Kansas to impose their religious beliefs on citizens of their state. It is un-American. They must be stopped.
Now, we have groups of fundamentalists who are so afraid of other religions that they want to impose their religion- their form of Christianity on everyone. They believe their views are more important than the Constitution. What they don't realize is that the Bill of Rights protects their right to practice their religion too. No one who follows The Constitution can impose their religion on anyone else. This is a very important right that we have as Americans. We can't allow county clerks in Kentucky or Secretaries of State in Kansas to impose their religious beliefs on citizens of their state. It is un-American. They must be stopped.
Monday, September 7, 2015
The Wheat and The Chaff
To be a good consumer of information one must learn to separate the wheat from the chaff. In this modern world, we are drowned in a constant stream of information. Some of it is worthwhile, but most is trivial at best and misleading at worst. Beware the propaganda machine. See previous post:
Aside from out right propaganda, we also have misleading or trivial information to sort. How does the savvy consumer sort it all out? How do we evaluate the credibility and reliability of sources of information in the media? One technique is to compare multiple sources. Are they all on the same page? Always remember that anyone can post their opinions without being scrutinized for accuracy. Even in traditional media, i.e. magazines and newspapers, we've seen an appalling lack of oversight and down right misleading stories. Think Rolling Stone and New York Times.
We all suffer from information overload. The chaff is choking us. Sifting is hard work. If you are a serious consumer and want to truly know how to evaluate sources, then please read this PDF on how to do it:
This is a comprehensive manual and well worth the read. I will leave you with a quote from the article: "Becoming a journalist in the traditional media has always required jumping through a few hoops to prove oneself. But you can get on the web and call yourself a journalist without any scrutiny or credentials. My motto: Question everything!
Aside from out right propaganda, we also have misleading or trivial information to sort. How does the savvy consumer sort it all out? How do we evaluate the credibility and reliability of sources of information in the media? One technique is to compare multiple sources. Are they all on the same page? Always remember that anyone can post their opinions without being scrutinized for accuracy. Even in traditional media, i.e. magazines and newspapers, we've seen an appalling lack of oversight and down right misleading stories. Think Rolling Stone and New York Times.
We all suffer from information overload. The chaff is choking us. Sifting is hard work. If you are a serious consumer and want to truly know how to evaluate sources, then please read this PDF on how to do it:
This is a comprehensive manual and well worth the read. I will leave you with a quote from the article: "Becoming a journalist in the traditional media has always required jumping through a few hoops to prove oneself. But you can get on the web and call yourself a journalist without any scrutiny or credentials. My motto: Question everything!
Monday, August 31, 2015
So, Ohio lawmakers have their panties in a twist because President Obama is restoring the original name of a mountain. They are upset that their hero McKinley is being deposed. Too bad.
A gold prospector named the mountain Native Alaskans called Denali, Mt. McKinley, again proving the arrogance of white settlers regarding anything native. Maybe McKinley was a president and hero to Ohioans. Let them name streets, parks, buildings, etc. after him. But, for now at least the mountain's name is restored to Denali.
Of course, a Republican president can erase that and any other executive actions taken by President Obama. That is why Democrats and Independents need to work together to elect a Democrat for president in 2016 and thereafter.
Let's stop the in-fighting over which Democratic candidate is best for the primary. Vote your choice in the primary and refuse to denigrate the opposition. Then, get behind the candidate chosen by the Democratic convention. With unity, we can keep our country moving forward>>>>>>>>.
A gold prospector named the mountain Native Alaskans called Denali, Mt. McKinley, again proving the arrogance of white settlers regarding anything native. Maybe McKinley was a president and hero to Ohioans. Let them name streets, parks, buildings, etc. after him. But, for now at least the mountain's name is restored to Denali.
Of course, a Republican president can erase that and any other executive actions taken by President Obama. That is why Democrats and Independents need to work together to elect a Democrat for president in 2016 and thereafter.
Let's stop the in-fighting over which Democratic candidate is best for the primary. Vote your choice in the primary and refuse to denigrate the opposition. Then, get behind the candidate chosen by the Democratic convention. With unity, we can keep our country moving forward>>>>>>>>.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
In Her Own Words
There are many reasons why I support Hillary Clinton for President 2016. Here are some in her own words:
"I want to let you know that as your president, I will first and foremost be a champion for our children. I don’t care who you are, where you’re from, what your circumstances might be. The first obligation of any nation is to take care of those in the years of their early lives and their later lives." –Hillary
"If calling for equal pay and paid leave and women's health is playing the gender card, well, then, deal me in."—Hillary
"We've got to come to terms with hard truths about guns in America."
"Heartbroken and angry. We must act to stop gun violence, and we cannot wait any longer. Praying for the victims' families in Virginia." -H
“I stand strongly in favor of comprehensive immigration reform. It’s what I have always supported and will continue to support and do whatever I can as president to try to finally get it accomplished. And certainly from my perspective, what is being said by those running on the Republican side is incredibly offensive, it is unrealistic, it is mean-spirited—I’ve run out of adjectives. The idea that the United States of America would round up 11 or 12 million people and deport them is absolute fantasy, and we need to end that kind of talk because it is very hurtful to hardworking people who are here and their families, generations of them. The idea that we would amend our Constitution to do away with citizenship by birth is absolutely the wrong direction to go. So I will be speaking out on this over and over again because I want to make sure everyone—not just every Hispanic person, but every American—understands what the import of this rhetoric on the other side actually is, because it is inflammatory and something that every sensible American should reject.”—Hillary
For many more and for factual information regarding Hillary Clinton, please see
"I want to let you know that as your president, I will first and foremost be a champion for our children. I don’t care who you are, where you’re from, what your circumstances might be. The first obligation of any nation is to take care of those in the years of their early lives and their later lives." –Hillary
"If calling for equal pay and paid leave and women's health is playing the gender card, well, then, deal me in."—Hillary
"We've got to come to terms with hard truths about guns in America."
"Heartbroken and angry. We must act to stop gun violence, and we cannot wait any longer. Praying for the victims' families in Virginia." -H
“I stand strongly in favor of comprehensive immigration reform. It’s what I have always supported and will continue to support and do whatever I can as president to try to finally get it accomplished. And certainly from my perspective, what is being said by those running on the Republican side is incredibly offensive, it is unrealistic, it is mean-spirited—I’ve run out of adjectives. The idea that the United States of America would round up 11 or 12 million people and deport them is absolute fantasy, and we need to end that kind of talk because it is very hurtful to hardworking people who are here and their families, generations of them. The idea that we would amend our Constitution to do away with citizenship by birth is absolutely the wrong direction to go. So I will be speaking out on this over and over again because I want to make sure everyone—not just every Hispanic person, but every American—understands what the import of this rhetoric on the other side actually is, because it is inflammatory and something that every sensible American should reject.”—Hillary
For many more and for factual information regarding Hillary Clinton, please see
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Sanity and Gun Control
Let's get this straight right now! Mentally ill does NOT equal violent and violent does NOT equal mentally ill. I'm afraid we are being led down a distracting path when we are asked to focus on keeping mentally ill people away from guns. You see, guns are the real issue and they don't want us to focus on that. They want to muddy the waters and throw up all types of excuses so that we miss what they are really doing. They are selling guns! They are racking in huge profits and exploiting peoples' fears to do it.
Don't fall into their trap of hopelessness! There are many things we can do and must do to curtail the power of the gun lobby in America. First, we can identify which legislators that are owned by the gun lobby. See: Then, we can do our best to work to see they are defeated for re-election. Next, we can support legislators who have the courage to stand up to the gun lobby and vote for sane gun control measures.
After Sandy Hook, our president laid out a detailed plan to address gun violence in America. He wasn't trying to destroy the 2nd amendment as some have said. Please look at the details of his proposal. Go here: Then make a promise to yourself that you will take one action everyday until Congress acts.
Don't fall into their trap of hopelessness! There are many things we can do and must do to curtail the power of the gun lobby in America. First, we can identify which legislators that are owned by the gun lobby. See: Then, we can do our best to work to see they are defeated for re-election. Next, we can support legislators who have the courage to stand up to the gun lobby and vote for sane gun control measures.
After Sandy Hook, our president laid out a detailed plan to address gun violence in America. He wasn't trying to destroy the 2nd amendment as some have said. Please look at the details of his proposal. Go here: Then make a promise to yourself that you will take one action everyday until Congress acts.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Have You Changed Since High School?

Clinton, a former Goldwater Girl-turned-liberal in the '60s, is running for office at a moment of deep anger …
Perhaps, Haberman was looking for Retweets or for someone to read the article. But, is it really fair to use a stance that someone took in HIGH SCHOOL to get clicks on your writing? Who among us is the same person politically or philosophically that we were in high school. To tag an article about Hillary Clinton in that way seems to imply that changing ones views is a bad thing.
Haberman took exception to the critique by asking if we'd actually read her piece. Well, yes, indeed we did. It was basically a good article. So why bring up Clinton's high school learning experience to boost readership of her article? A good piece of journalism can stand on its own merits, I believe.
The truth of the matter is that most folks only see the lead in to a tweet or the headline on an article. They don't stop and read what follows. That's why it is VITAL in journalism to accurately tag your work.
After reading the article, it was clear the Goldwater girl remark had NOTHING to do with her article. Her article was about Hillary Clinton's exchange with the #BlackLivesMatter people who attended her speech in New Hampshire.
I think journalists can do better and I believe we, the readers/consumers, need to hold their feet to the fire when we see them falter.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Don't be Fooled
There's a sucker born every minute. Charlatans and other con men rely on this truth. I have been seeing many reports that say folks are flocking to Donald J. Trump because he speaks so openly on so many issues. What they fail to see is that this is his con game. He's not a professional politician; so, that's his appeal they say. A politician is not inherently a bad thing. The term merely refers to one who is professionally involved in politics or holds elected office. To say they are all bad because some are bad is ridiculous! It defies logic or critical thinking. If you've had a bad experience with a dishonest orthodontist, do you want to turn your teeth over to someone who proudly states he's not a professional orthodontist?
Personally, I prefer that professionals are in charge. Politicians don't always do things the way I think they should. Yet, I fear we'd be heading for disaster if we elect someone to the highest office in the land who is NOT a professional politician.
Just take a few minutes and read some of the things he's said over the years. Why would anyone put this man in charge of our future?
Personally, I prefer that professionals are in charge. Politicians don't always do things the way I think they should. Yet, I fear we'd be heading for disaster if we elect someone to the highest office in the land who is NOT a professional politician.
Just take a few minutes and read some of the things he's said over the years. Why would anyone put this man in charge of our future?
Thursday, August 6, 2015
White Supremacy and #VRA50
White supremacy is a pervasive virus that has affected American Democracy since before our country became the United States of America. And, it continues to infect segments of our society today.
When white people first came across the ocean, they came with a blessing from the Pope. It was called "The Doctrine of Discovery". This document legalized explorers to capture native lands and enslave/kill natives in the name of Christianity.
Since that time, white supremacy has been encoded in our laws and implemented by our courts.
I was not taught about this and I'm guessing you weren't either. I learned about the Doctrine of Discovery at a church conference earlier this year. Today, I learned about the Black Codes. Have you heard about this ugly part of our history?
If you know about them, then someone did their job in teaching you American History. If you don't know about them, start here:
These codes were used against newly freed slaves, but, they ultimately also hurt poor whites and greatly enriched greedy corporations. So, the battle needs to be focused on ways to empower all of us against the greed of corporations, whose prime objective is PROFIT AT ALL COST.
What does this have to do with the Voting Rights Amendment? Everything! You see, if some of us can be kept from voting, then, none of us have security that they won't come after our rights next!
Today, at 2:00 PM ET, President Obama is hosting a special video conference to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the voting rights act: Livestreamed at I hope you will sign up to attend:
When white people first came across the ocean, they came with a blessing from the Pope. It was called "The Doctrine of Discovery". This document legalized explorers to capture native lands and enslave/kill natives in the name of Christianity.
Since that time, white supremacy has been encoded in our laws and implemented by our courts.
I was not taught about this and I'm guessing you weren't either. I learned about the Doctrine of Discovery at a church conference earlier this year. Today, I learned about the Black Codes. Have you heard about this ugly part of our history?
If you know about them, then someone did their job in teaching you American History. If you don't know about them, start here:
These codes were used against newly freed slaves, but, they ultimately also hurt poor whites and greatly enriched greedy corporations. So, the battle needs to be focused on ways to empower all of us against the greed of corporations, whose prime objective is PROFIT AT ALL COST.
What does this have to do with the Voting Rights Amendment? Everything! You see, if some of us can be kept from voting, then, none of us have security that they won't come after our rights next!
Today, at 2:00 PM ET, President Obama is hosting a special video conference to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the voting rights act: Livestreamed at I hope you will sign up to attend:
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Social Media Savvy for Political Activists
Everyone has their favorite social media outlet and everyone has their own learning curve. Becoming social media savvy is essential for effective political activism. So, are you willing to step out of your comfort zone (your favorite social media outlet) and learn about other ways to share your political messages to a wider audience?
For years, my favorite site was Facebook. I joined to connect with family and friends and share updates. Then, I started naturally sharing political posts of interest to me and quickly found that many of my family and friends did not share my political values. For some it became a sticking point in our relationship.
Later, I got started on Twitter. I felt such freedom over there as most family and friends weren't on Twitter and I could really share things important to me without fear of offending them. I gradually learned my way around Twitter and then was able to help others find their way. Soon, I connected with some amazing Liberals whom I've grown to love and admire.
With the page and group features on Facebook, I was able to connect and share information with thousands more like-minded people. I have now set up my own Facebook page, Liberal Ledger and a group by the same name. I've also liked many liberal pages and joined many liberal groups.
How does one become savvy with social media? No one is born knowing how; so it's no shame to not know. Don't be afraid to admit that you don't know. Seek out people who do know and who are willing to teach you. Don't forget to Google your questions! That's how I've leaned to do things. They even have wiki's that teach you how. If you don't know what a wiki is then use your Google machine.
Here's an old article from Forbes to get you motivated:
Try to remember this: If someone else can learn to do it, then you can too! Then, just think of the impact that we together can have on the next "Most Important Election of our Lifetime."
Oh, and if you're on Twitter, look me up @bannerite I'll be glad to help you if I can.
For years, my favorite site was Facebook. I joined to connect with family and friends and share updates. Then, I started naturally sharing political posts of interest to me and quickly found that many of my family and friends did not share my political values. For some it became a sticking point in our relationship.
Later, I got started on Twitter. I felt such freedom over there as most family and friends weren't on Twitter and I could really share things important to me without fear of offending them. I gradually learned my way around Twitter and then was able to help others find their way. Soon, I connected with some amazing Liberals whom I've grown to love and admire.
With the page and group features on Facebook, I was able to connect and share information with thousands more like-minded people. I have now set up my own Facebook page, Liberal Ledger and a group by the same name. I've also liked many liberal pages and joined many liberal groups.
How does one become savvy with social media? No one is born knowing how; so it's no shame to not know. Don't be afraid to admit that you don't know. Seek out people who do know and who are willing to teach you. Don't forget to Google your questions! That's how I've leaned to do things. They even have wiki's that teach you how. If you don't know what a wiki is then use your Google machine.
Here's an old article from Forbes to get you motivated:
Try to remember this: If someone else can learn to do it, then you can too! Then, just think of the impact that we together can have on the next "Most Important Election of our Lifetime."
Oh, and if you're on Twitter, look me up @bannerite I'll be glad to help you if I can.
Friday, July 24, 2015
Here We Go Again
Another day, another mass shooting. Television pundits say, "We must try harder to stop it!" The same old tropes are used to describe the shooter. Officials tell the same old story of a person who decides his only option is to use his weapon to take innocent lives. Right now, they don't know how this shooter was able to obtain his weapon. The spokesperson said it was too hard to trace. Why is that? You can trace a vehicle by its vehicle identification number. Why is it so difficult to find out where and when and how this shooter obtained his weapon?
Now is the time to do something about gun violence. Don't you agree? The President has a plan. You can read it here:
Can we stop all gun violence? No. But we must not let that deter our efforts. We must strengthen our background check system to cover ALL gun sales and make it instantly available to all law enforcement agencies.
As the president says, "No single law – or even set of laws – can prevent every act of violence in our country. But the fact that this problem is complex can not be an excuse for inaction."
Every one of us can do something. We can contact our representatives in Congress to ask what they are doing. We can write letters to the editors of our local newspapers. We can support Whatever we do, we must not give up!
Now is the time to do something about gun violence. Don't you agree? The President has a plan. You can read it here:
Can we stop all gun violence? No. But we must not let that deter our efforts. We must strengthen our background check system to cover ALL gun sales and make it instantly available to all law enforcement agencies.
As the president says, "No single law – or even set of laws – can prevent every act of violence in our country. But the fact that this problem is complex can not be an excuse for inaction."
Every one of us can do something. We can contact our representatives in Congress to ask what they are doing. We can write letters to the editors of our local newspapers. We can support Whatever we do, we must not give up!
Monday, July 20, 2015
The Progressive Dilemma
Here's the issue confronting Progressives - is racial inequality a symptom of the disease of income inequality or is it a disease of its own? The #BlackLivesMatter movement butted heads with progressives at Netroots Nation Saturday as activists took over a forum featuring Martin O'Malley and Bernie Sanders. Here's a great article explaining the gist of the dilemma:
The article explains that the #BlackLivesMatter Movement supporters view any attempt to delegate racial inequality to symptom status is actually an attempt to sideline the movement and to not listen to what the supporters are trying to tell progressives about what really matters to the Black community.
The #BernieSoBlack hashtag trended Sunday as Bernie supporters tried to defend their man and remind people that he'd marched with MLK 50 yrs. ago. But the #BlackLivesMatter folks weren't and aren't going to be silenced.
In the Guardian, Elizabeth Day, contends that the #BlackLivesMatter movement is essentially the birth of a new civil rights movement. This movement is about far MORE than income inequality and refuses to be delegated to symptom status by Bernie Sanders or any other Progressive leader. I encourage the reader to refer to her article to see the issues driving this movement:
If we who would be allies, shed our #WhitePrivilege and stop talking and start listening, maybe we can stand with #BlackLivesMatter activists and do our part for this civil rights movement. Go to and read about ways to assist.
" exists to strengthen Black America's political voice. Our goal is to empower our members - Black Americans and our allies - to make government more responsive to the concerns of Black Americans and to bring about positive political and social change for everyone."
There are many other organizations working to support this movement. In fact, they have their own website: There are many ways to get involved on this site. Let's all do our part to be a part of the solution.
The article explains that the #BlackLivesMatter Movement supporters view any attempt to delegate racial inequality to symptom status is actually an attempt to sideline the movement and to not listen to what the supporters are trying to tell progressives about what really matters to the Black community.
The #BernieSoBlack hashtag trended Sunday as Bernie supporters tried to defend their man and remind people that he'd marched with MLK 50 yrs. ago. But the #BlackLivesMatter folks weren't and aren't going to be silenced.
In the Guardian, Elizabeth Day, contends that the #BlackLivesMatter movement is essentially the birth of a new civil rights movement. This movement is about far MORE than income inequality and refuses to be delegated to symptom status by Bernie Sanders or any other Progressive leader. I encourage the reader to refer to her article to see the issues driving this movement:
If we who would be allies, shed our #WhitePrivilege and stop talking and start listening, maybe we can stand with #BlackLivesMatter activists and do our part for this civil rights movement. Go to and read about ways to assist.
" exists to strengthen Black America's political voice. Our goal is to empower our members - Black Americans and our allies - to make government more responsive to the concerns of Black Americans and to bring about positive political and social change for everyone."
There are many other organizations working to support this movement. In fact, they have their own website: There are many ways to get involved on this site. Let's all do our part to be a part of the solution.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Nelson Mandela International Day
Did you know that Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918? "Nelson Mandela International Day was launched in recognition of Nelson Mandela’s birthday on 18 July, 2009 via unanimous decision of the UN General Assembly. It was inspired by a call Nelson Mandela made a year earlier, for the next generation to take on the burden of leadership in addressing the world’s social injustices when he said that “it is in your hands now”.
“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead” – Nelson Mandela
What can you do? Everything and anything! Give a smile to the clerk in the grocery store. Write a check to a cause you believe in. Volunteer on a political campaign to support a candidate who holds your values. Everybody can do something to make the world a better place. Accept Mandela's challenge and find a place to serve.
It is more than a celebration of Madiba’s life and legacy. It is a global movement to honour his life’s work and act to change the world for the better."
“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead” – Nelson Mandela
What can you do? Everything and anything! Give a smile to the clerk in the grocery store. Write a check to a cause you believe in. Volunteer on a political campaign to support a candidate who holds your values. Everybody can do something to make the world a better place. Accept Mandela's challenge and find a place to serve.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Are You Ready For Monday?
In case you missed it, Monday July 13, 2015 is going to be huge in politics! First, there's the President's Conference on Aging at the White House. see this for more:
Then, there's Hillary Clinton's big speech on the economy and her agenda.
TIME says she will set out a Progressive economic vision: I am looking forward to hearing her plans.
Next, AP says that diplomats are ready to announce that they've reached an historic deal!
And last and certainly LEAST, Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin is set to announce his plans to jump into the GOP Clown Car.
I don't know what else is going to happen Monday, but, don't say I didn't warn you!
Then, there's Hillary Clinton's big speech on the economy and her agenda.
TIME says she will set out a Progressive economic vision: I am looking forward to hearing her plans.
Next, AP says that diplomats are ready to announce that they've reached an historic deal!
And last and certainly LEAST, Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin is set to announce his plans to jump into the GOP Clown Car.
I don't know what else is going to happen Monday, but, don't say I didn't warn you!
Saturday, July 11, 2015
The Dog Whistle Politician
In Las Vegas at the Freedom Fest, Trump said, "People believe what I say." The reason they believe what he says is that Trump is the Dog Whistle Politician. He speaks their language. Every time he mentions Obama, the racists sit up and pant. When he talks about illegal immigrants, the bigots eat it up!
In his book, DOG-WHISTLE POLITICS, Ian Haney Lopez, explains how right wing politicians have used coded messages to play on people's fears and tear at the social safety nets.
This is Trump's specialty. He uses lies, innuendo's, fear-mongering and hyperbole to pander to the racists and bigots of America. In Phoenix, he has a capacity crowd waiting eagerly for his next pronouncements!
Some are suggesting that Trump's appeal has its limits. Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal says that sooner or later there will be a boom. She said, "Blowhards don't wear well."
He's trying (and in some cases, succeeding) to convince the public that he's a truth teller. Many are frustrated with the state of our politics and he's also appealing to folks who just want to hear more than rhetoric from our politicians.
While may people and corporations are distancing themselves from Trump, others are flocking to his next public appearances. Soon, he will be speaking to a crowd of 9,000 in Phoenix.
Every time he speaks, we must fact check and get out the truth to our friends and neighbors. Politifact does it:
Christian Science Monitor, just published an article on Trump:
Let's beat him with facts! Don't let people you know fall for his bag of tricks.
In his book, DOG-WHISTLE POLITICS, Ian Haney Lopez, explains how right wing politicians have used coded messages to play on people's fears and tear at the social safety nets.
This is Trump's specialty. He uses lies, innuendo's, fear-mongering and hyperbole to pander to the racists and bigots of America. In Phoenix, he has a capacity crowd waiting eagerly for his next pronouncements!
Some are suggesting that Trump's appeal has its limits. Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal says that sooner or later there will be a boom. She said, "Blowhards don't wear well."
He's trying (and in some cases, succeeding) to convince the public that he's a truth teller. Many are frustrated with the state of our politics and he's also appealing to folks who just want to hear more than rhetoric from our politicians.
While may people and corporations are distancing themselves from Trump, others are flocking to his next public appearances. Soon, he will be speaking to a crowd of 9,000 in Phoenix.
Every time he speaks, we must fact check and get out the truth to our friends and neighbors. Politifact does it:
Christian Science Monitor, just published an article on Trump:
Let's beat him with facts! Don't let people you know fall for his bag of tricks.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Love Did That
"Hate begets hate; violence begets violence; toughness begets a greater toughness. We must meet the forces of hate with the power of love… Our aim must never be to defeat or humiliate the white man, but to win his friendship and understanding. ——— The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy, instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. ——— Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. ——— Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. ——— Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. ——— Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. ——— Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Emanuel Nine knew those words and they practiced them by opening their prayer circle to the hater. He refused their love and chose to slay them in a terrorist act of racism and bigotry. But the families of the nine showed him true compassion by choosing forgiveness over hate. They told him that in spite of his hatred they were going to forgive. And those actions humbled all of us. By those acts of forgiveness they set forth a tide of compassion that went all the way to the statehouse. That is what love can do.
Choose love.
The Emanuel Nine knew those words and they practiced them by opening their prayer circle to the hater. He refused their love and chose to slay them in a terrorist act of racism and bigotry. But the families of the nine showed him true compassion by choosing forgiveness over hate. They told him that in spite of his hatred they were going to forgive. And those actions humbled all of us. By those acts of forgiveness they set forth a tide of compassion that went all the way to the statehouse. That is what love can do.
Choose love.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
A New Day in South Carolina
A symbol of racism and hate is coming down. It's a new day. It took an act of terrorism to get it done. Early this morning the South Carolina House of Representatives voted to send a clean bill back to Senate and Governor Haley will sign the bill calling for the removal of the Confederate flag from the Statehouse grounds. Listen to the impassioned speech given by Rep. Jenny Horne asking her collegues to do the right thing. By the way, Horne is a white Republican who is a descendant of Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy!
This speech should be required viewing for anyone trying to make the case that the flag represents some type of noble heritage.
Now, that the flag is coming down, we must attend to fighting racism and injustice because they aren't going away. Let the removal of the flag become a call to action for all who care to fight for social justice and an end to racism. Fighting for civil rights is a constant fight. The Southern Poverty Law Center has many ways you can help. Check it out here:
This speech should be required viewing for anyone trying to make the case that the flag represents some type of noble heritage.
Now, that the flag is coming down, we must attend to fighting racism and injustice because they aren't going away. Let the removal of the flag become a call to action for all who care to fight for social justice and an end to racism. Fighting for civil rights is a constant fight. The Southern Poverty Law Center has many ways you can help. Check it out here:
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Taking Back The Senate
Aside from winning the Presidency in 2016, Democrats' major task is to take back the Senate from Republican control. We really do have a good chance of doing this. Here's why: First, Democrats have fewer seats to defend with only 10 versus Republicans 24. Second, Republicans will be defending seats in seven states that President Obama won in 2012. We only need to win four to take back the Senate. And, finally, 2016 electorate will skew Democratic with a strong Democratic candidate at the head of the ticket!
Two great sites to be watching this election cycle (or any cycle actually) are Cooks and Sabato. You can read about the Cook Political Report here:
And Sabato's Crystal Ball here:
Ballotpedia is my personal favorite source for up to date information on candidate, races, and ballot measures.,_2016 At the end of each Ballotpedia article are links to current articles about the election.
I will be writing more about specific candidates and offering suggestions on how you can help them.
Let's make this happen!
Two great sites to be watching this election cycle (or any cycle actually) are Cooks and Sabato. You can read about the Cook Political Report here:
And Sabato's Crystal Ball here:
Ballotpedia is my personal favorite source for up to date information on candidate, races, and ballot measures.,_2016 At the end of each Ballotpedia article are links to current articles about the election.
I will be writing more about specific candidates and offering suggestions on how you can help them.
Let's make this happen!
Monday, July 6, 2015
Twisted Thinking
In his statement from the Pentagon today, President Obama used the term, "twisted thinking" in reference to ISIL and their contortions of Islam. In pondering his meaning, I think we have our own groups right here in America that use "twisted thinking" in their contortions of the message of Christianity.
"Twisted thinking" seems to be a pervasive problem that greatly impacts our ability to attack many of the issues that confront our domestic tranquility. Isn't it "twisted thinking" when some think it makes sense for CEO's to make millions; but workers don't need more money or adequate healthcare benefits?
Isn't it "twisted thinking" that blames the victims of a church massacre for their own deaths because they weren't armed? "Twisted thinking" says our violence problem will only improve if we have more guns everywhere.
Isn't it "twisted thinking" to say we don't have racism when folks who can afford it move out of our cities, enroll their children in private schools, and isolate themselves in private clubs that only wealthy folks can afford?
I contend that "twisted thinking" gets in the way of real problem solving. Can we do better? Yes! We need clear thinking and logical problem solving. If you were never taught problem solving, it's not too late. Check out this source for training: Then, form a local group or join one to attack some of the issues that are impacting people in your area. Together, we can defeat "Twisted Thinking" at every level.
"Twisted thinking" seems to be a pervasive problem that greatly impacts our ability to attack many of the issues that confront our domestic tranquility. Isn't it "twisted thinking" when some think it makes sense for CEO's to make millions; but workers don't need more money or adequate healthcare benefits?
Isn't it "twisted thinking" that blames the victims of a church massacre for their own deaths because they weren't armed? "Twisted thinking" says our violence problem will only improve if we have more guns everywhere.
Isn't it "twisted thinking" to say we don't have racism when folks who can afford it move out of our cities, enroll their children in private schools, and isolate themselves in private clubs that only wealthy folks can afford?
I contend that "twisted thinking" gets in the way of real problem solving. Can we do better? Yes! We need clear thinking and logical problem solving. If you were never taught problem solving, it's not too late. Check out this source for training: Then, form a local group or join one to attack some of the issues that are impacting people in your area. Together, we can defeat "Twisted Thinking" at every level.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
It's All About Context
Religion was a sore subject back when our Founding Fathers authored the Bill of Rights. It remains so today. The first part of the first amendment reads: "Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion , or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Considering that many who came to America came here to escape persecution because of their beliefs, it was sensible of them to include the establishment clause. They wanted to ensure that no ONE religion was set above others and to ensure that citizens were free to worship as they chose. That's why they said NO Laws could be made to establish a state religion or prevent citizens freedom to worship as they wanted.
What makes this scary today is that we now have several Republican candidates who are saying that Christianity needs to be our state religion. Theocracy Alert! Does this alarm you? It should. Take a look at what they are proposing.
It is hard to believe, but, a majority of Republicans surveyed believe in establishing Christianity as the state religion. "Dominionism calls for imposing a theocracy in America where Christianity is declared the official religion, and the nation is governed by “Biblical law”.
I don't know about you, but, I don't want to live in a country where one group of people gets to decide what is right and best for all other peoples.
People for the American Way is a group dedicated to monitoring and exposing the activities of the right-wing movement. They sponsor Right Wing Watch. I would encourage the reader to check out their website:
What makes this scary today is that we now have several Republican candidates who are saying that Christianity needs to be our state religion. Theocracy Alert! Does this alarm you? It should. Take a look at what they are proposing.
It is hard to believe, but, a majority of Republicans surveyed believe in establishing Christianity as the state religion. "Dominionism calls for imposing a theocracy in America where Christianity is declared the official religion, and the nation is governed by “Biblical law”.
I don't know about you, but, I don't want to live in a country where one group of people gets to decide what is right and best for all other peoples.
People for the American Way is a group dedicated to monitoring and exposing the activities of the right-wing movement. They sponsor Right Wing Watch. I would encourage the reader to check out their website:
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Edited Out
No one taught me that what we know as the Declaration of Independence was actually an edited version. Yes, the original had something in it that many didn't want to declare.
Here's the part of the Declaration of Independence that Thomas Jefferson wrote that didn't make it into final version:
"He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian King of Great Britain. Determined to keep open a market where Men should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or restrain this execrable commerce. And that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people on whom he has obtruded them: thus paying off former crimes committed again the Liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another." -
See more at:
The reason is pretty obvious, but, if you want the whole story, please go to the link. Remember this as you go to your parades, picnics, and fireworks today. And ask yourself why must we always leave someone out of our freedoms.
Here's the part of the Declaration of Independence that Thomas Jefferson wrote that didn't make it into final version:
"He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian King of Great Britain. Determined to keep open a market where Men should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or restrain this execrable commerce. And that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people on whom he has obtruded them: thus paying off former crimes committed again the Liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another." -
See more at:
The reason is pretty obvious, but, if you want the whole story, please go to the link. Remember this as you go to your parades, picnics, and fireworks today. And ask yourself why must we always leave someone out of our freedoms.
Friday, July 3, 2015
Independence Day
Did you know that July 2, 1776 was the actual day that the Second Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence that had been proposed in June by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia? After this vote the Congress then approved the Declaration of Independence, prepare by a Committee of Five with Thomas Jefferson as the principal author. Congress debated and revised it until the final vote on July 4, 1776.
You can read the actual Declaration here: I encourage you to do so.
What is more patriotic and vital to a Democracy than the right to vote? In my email today, I received one from the League of Women voters. We know what it's like to not be able to vote and we do everything we can to help others to exercise their right to vote. Will you help? Go to and check out the tools available to ensure that everyone eligible gets to vote. Share with your networks and remind the people in your life to update their voter registration information or register for the first time.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are just as vital today as they were so many years ago!
You can read the actual Declaration here: I encourage you to do so.
What is more patriotic and vital to a Democracy than the right to vote? In my email today, I received one from the League of Women voters. We know what it's like to not be able to vote and we do everything we can to help others to exercise their right to vote. Will you help? Go to and check out the tools available to ensure that everyone eligible gets to vote. Share with your networks and remind the people in your life to update their voter registration information or register for the first time.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are just as vital today as they were so many years ago!
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Black Churches Burning
How many more Black churches have to burn before we get to the truth? Will the Department of Justice investigate? Will local authorities find out who's doing it and stop them? Will Black Panthers have to start guarding Black churches to prevent more fires? Lots of questions, but very few answers.
According to a Grio article dated June 29th, six Black churches had burned in past seven days and at least three were NOT accidents. Reportedly, the FBI is investigating the incidents. Let's hope they find out who's behind this.
Just last night, another Black church was ablaze. Mt.Zion AME church in Greenville, SC had previously been burned to the ground by KKK 20 years ago. Were they involved? We need to find out. Local authorities don't think KKK were involved. They say lightening may have been a factor. Hmm!
NAACP sent out warning tweet for all Black Churches to take necessary precautions in the wake of the recent church fires. Why do racists target Black churches? According to a Washington Post article, "Since at least 1822, when the first recorded burning of a black church occurred in South Carolina, church arson has been the default response of racists frustrated with progress — or even the faint specter of progress — on civil rights. More than even lynching, burning houses of worship remains a go-to weapon in hate groups’ arsenal."
Do you know the meaning of sanctuary? It's more than a place to worship. It means a place of safety. In the past even criminals could find safety by fleeing to a church. It meant a safe haven.
This is why racists burn Black churches. They want to send Blacks a message that there is no sanctuary for them. And that is why we must find a way to stop them!
According to a Grio article dated June 29th, six Black churches had burned in past seven days and at least three were NOT accidents. Reportedly, the FBI is investigating the incidents. Let's hope they find out who's behind this.
Just last night, another Black church was ablaze. Mt.Zion AME church in Greenville, SC had previously been burned to the ground by KKK 20 years ago. Were they involved? We need to find out. Local authorities don't think KKK were involved. They say lightening may have been a factor. Hmm!
NAACP sent out warning tweet for all Black Churches to take necessary precautions in the wake of the recent church fires. Why do racists target Black churches? According to a Washington Post article, "Since at least 1822, when the first recorded burning of a black church occurred in South Carolina, church arson has been the default response of racists frustrated with progress — or even the faint specter of progress — on civil rights. More than even lynching, burning houses of worship remains a go-to weapon in hate groups’ arsenal."
Do you know the meaning of sanctuary? It's more than a place to worship. It means a place of safety. In the past even criminals could find safety by fleeing to a church. It meant a safe haven.
This is why racists burn Black churches. They want to send Blacks a message that there is no sanctuary for them. And that is why we must find a way to stop them!
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Purveyors of Hope
Throughout history, great leaders have always been purveyors of hope. I believe that is why Barack Obama was able to become the first Black elected to the presidency. He came along at just the right time and told us to hope. But, more important than just words, he lead the way. His actions confirmed his words.
Now, we are at a crossroad in our history. Do we want to take the road that leads back to the past? Or do we want to step boldly into the future? Again, President Obama is telling and showing us the way forward. He changed his views on marriage equality and he is leading us to examine our core beliefs regarding many other issues from pay equity to race relations. He's challenged us to look at poverty, segregation by income rather than merely race. He's asked us just recently to look at how we view gun ownership and the ease by which individuals can obtain guns.
But, here's the deal. Great leaders can't do it alone. We must all become purveyors of hope, right where we are! How, you ask? I know you have all kinds of reasons why you can't. But, you can! You know you can. Everyone can do something!
Pick an issue dear to your heart. Give it some thought, do some research. Then, tell the world what you believe. #SpeakUP There are many ways to #SpeakUp for issues/causes that grip you. Here's just a few: get a button or bumper sticker and display it proudly; write a letter to the editor of your local paper; start a blog and share it with friends on Facebook. Find a group that also supports your cause and join up to volunteer your time and money.
If we all answer our president's call to action, everyday in our own ways, we can make this world a better place for everyone.
Now, we are at a crossroad in our history. Do we want to take the road that leads back to the past? Or do we want to step boldly into the future? Again, President Obama is telling and showing us the way forward. He changed his views on marriage equality and he is leading us to examine our core beliefs regarding many other issues from pay equity to race relations. He's challenged us to look at poverty, segregation by income rather than merely race. He's asked us just recently to look at how we view gun ownership and the ease by which individuals can obtain guns.
But, here's the deal. Great leaders can't do it alone. We must all become purveyors of hope, right where we are! How, you ask? I know you have all kinds of reasons why you can't. But, you can! You know you can. Everyone can do something!
Pick an issue dear to your heart. Give it some thought, do some research. Then, tell the world what you believe. #SpeakUP There are many ways to #SpeakUp for issues/causes that grip you. Here's just a few: get a button or bumper sticker and display it proudly; write a letter to the editor of your local paper; start a blog and share it with friends on Facebook. Find a group that also supports your cause and join up to volunteer your time and money.
If we all answer our president's call to action, everyday in our own ways, we can make this world a better place for everyone.
Friday, June 26, 2015
A Comfortable Silence
Today our president, Barack Obama, gave a powerful eulogy at the funeral of Rev. Clementa Pinckney. He told the story of Pinckney's life like he always tells the stories, with grace, eloquence, and dignity. He reminded Americans of the challenges ahead of us as we face the racism and hatred that plagues our society. He asked us not to fall into a "Comfortable Silence". He reminded us how racism and easy access to a gun took the lives of nine people having a prayer meeting in a historic AME church in Charleston, SC. He also reminded us of how we stirred when another person used a gun to take the lives of innocent first graders in Newtown. We asked for change; but were met by resistance.
Will you answer Barack Obama's call to action? Or will you fall back into a comfortable silence? Everyday, in every way, we make our decisions of how we will spend our time and money. There's much you can do. Start here: Use it's resources to educate yourself about the hate groups pervading our country. Send them some money.
Here's another place: They have two mandates: eliminate racism and empower women. Do those ideals appeal to you? Then, send them money. Support your local YWCA.
There are literally hundreds of organizations working to improve life for ALL Americans. Pick one, sign up, use your time and money to make our world a better place. But, don't fall into a comfortable silence ever again.
Will you answer Barack Obama's call to action? Or will you fall back into a comfortable silence? Everyday, in every way, we make our decisions of how we will spend our time and money. There's much you can do. Start here: Use it's resources to educate yourself about the hate groups pervading our country. Send them some money.
Here's another place: They have two mandates: eliminate racism and empower women. Do those ideals appeal to you? Then, send them money. Support your local YWCA.
There are literally hundreds of organizations working to improve life for ALL Americans. Pick one, sign up, use your time and money to make our world a better place. But, don't fall into a comfortable silence ever again.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Root Out and Replace
I had a plant in the corner of my garden. I put it there for a reason. It was to fill up an empty space. That's why I planted it. And for awhile it worked well.
But, it soon became a menace. It took over my garden. I tried to cut it back and contain it. But, it was relentless! I determined that it had to die. But, I soon learned that killing it was easier said than done. I put weed killer on it, covered it with tarps and old rugs, and even piled lawn furniture on it in hopes of success. After the winter, I uncovered it. It was still alive. So I burned it.!
But, I wasn't finished yet. The root was still there and it would send out shoots to re-establish itself. So, I had to dig! And then, we hooked a chain around it and used our truck to uproot that plant!
I'm telling you about this project because I think America must begin a similar one in confronting the pervasive and invasive racism that has grown up in our garden. It's roots go deep like the ones in my garden. We have our challenge ahead. But, if we persist and try whatever methods we need, we can get the job done.
Will you help? Here's an article to get you started:
But, it soon became a menace. It took over my garden. I tried to cut it back and contain it. But, it was relentless! I determined that it had to die. But, I soon learned that killing it was easier said than done. I put weed killer on it, covered it with tarps and old rugs, and even piled lawn furniture on it in hopes of success. After the winter, I uncovered it. It was still alive. So I burned it.!
But, I wasn't finished yet. The root was still there and it would send out shoots to re-establish itself. So, I had to dig! And then, we hooked a chain around it and used our truck to uproot that plant!
Finally, I'd won. I raked and covered the area with weed prevention fabric and rocks and added containers all around. Now, I had a rock garden in place of the invasive plant.
Will you help? Here's an article to get you started:
Monday, June 22, 2015
No Apologies
If you are waiting for Barack Obama to say he's sorry he used the word "nigger" in his podcast with Marc Maron, you may have to wait a long time. He's not backing off from his comments and I support him. Occasionally, someone has to hit the proverbial nail on the head. That's what he did today and it's time we all #SpeakUP. We must take a hard look at the racism in our society. You can get the podcast here:
The Mean Progressive tells media to grow up. She lays out in video clips how RW/GOP speakers get a pass on their racist comments. I would encourage everyone to read her post and view the video clips. She charges (and I agree) that media is complicit in the " racism so pervasive in our society when you give a voice to the racist actors and do not either condemn them or ask your audience for reflection. "
Do you agree that racism is alive and thriving in our USA? Then, let's #SpeakUP and do something positive to further the dialogue.
Here's a place to start: Charles J. Ogletree, Jr. , Obama's former law professor at Harvard is the founding member. This project is a way to share the stories of places striving to be inclusive:
There are many groups who are working for justice. We can erase the stigma of racism if we band together.
The Mean Progressive tells media to grow up. She lays out in video clips how RW/GOP speakers get a pass on their racist comments. I would encourage everyone to read her post and view the video clips. She charges (and I agree) that media is complicit in the " racism so pervasive in our society when you give a voice to the racist actors and do not either condemn them or ask your audience for reflection. "
Do you agree that racism is alive and thriving in our USA? Then, let's #SpeakUP and do something positive to further the dialogue.
Here's a place to start: Charles J. Ogletree, Jr. , Obama's former law professor at Harvard is the founding member. This project is a way to share the stories of places striving to be inclusive:
There are many groups who are working for justice. We can erase the stigma of racism if we band together.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
#StandingUp to Bigotry
When confronted by someone's bigotry, have you ever lectured/moralized, gotten sarcastic, tuned out, questioned, changed the subject, walked away, etc? These responses usually end up in a lose-lose outcome. We can and must do better.
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has produced a booklet suggesting effective ways for us to respond to bigotry. You can access it here:
A section towards the end covers six steps for Speaking Up to Everyday Bigotry:
Be Ready
Set Limits
Find an ally/be an ally
Identify the Behavior
Be Vigilant
Appeal to Principles
Will you take the pledge to Speak up?
THE SPEAK UP! PLEDGE Commit to respond to everyday bias and bigotry. Sign and place this pledge card in your wallet, book bag or desk drawer, or post it on your wall. Also use these pledge cards as a part of a campaign in your workplace or school, making as many photocopies as you need. Post the pledge in public places, encouraging others to join. Because what we say matters. I PLEDGE TO SPEAK UP! In pledging to respond to everyday bigotry, I will: Speak up when I hear or see bigotry; Question and identify bias when I see it; Be mindful of my own behaviors; Promote and appeal to higher principles; Set limits on what is said or done around me; Seek help and help others to work against bigotry; and Remain vigilant and persistent.
Together, we can erase the stain that has infected our country.
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has produced a booklet suggesting effective ways for us to respond to bigotry. You can access it here:
A section towards the end covers six steps for Speaking Up to Everyday Bigotry:
Be Ready
Set Limits
Find an ally/be an ally
Identify the Behavior
Be Vigilant
Appeal to Principles
Will you take the pledge to Speak up?
THE SPEAK UP! PLEDGE Commit to respond to everyday bias and bigotry. Sign and place this pledge card in your wallet, book bag or desk drawer, or post it on your wall. Also use these pledge cards as a part of a campaign in your workplace or school, making as many photocopies as you need. Post the pledge in public places, encouraging others to join. Because what we say matters. I PLEDGE TO SPEAK UP! In pledging to respond to everyday bigotry, I will: Speak up when I hear or see bigotry; Question and identify bias when I see it; Be mindful of my own behaviors; Promote and appeal to higher principles; Set limits on what is said or done around me; Seek help and help others to work against bigotry; and Remain vigilant and persistent.
Together, we can erase the stain that has infected our country.
Friday, June 19, 2015
I wrote this before the Charleston AME church shootings. The Black community is now in mourning. How can they celebrate their freedom when they are still being murdered in church? Now, can we, as a nation, face the reality that we have a very long way to go in our fight for justice for ALL? Read on to learn the meaning of this day and for a call to action.
If you go to, you can read the story of what is considered Independence Day for Black Americans. In this day and age of instant communication, it's hard to realize how long it took for news to travel.
"Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States. Dating back to 1865, it was on June 19th that the Union soldiers, led by Major General Gordon Granger, landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended and that the enslaved were now free. Note that this was two and a half years after President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation - which had become official January 1, 1863. The Emancipation Proclamation had little impact on the Texans due to the minimal number of Union troops to enforce the new Executive Order. However, with the surrender of General Lee in April of 1865, and the arrival of General Granger’s regiment,the forces were finally strong enough to influence and overcome the resistance."
We know that many did not celebrate the end of slavery. We know that forces to this day have conspired to keep Black people at a disadvantage. But, Juneteenth is a day to celebrate the beginning of freedom and to celebrate and educate.
While it has been 152 years since Lincoln signed the document, we still have our work cut out for us in combating racism, fighting for economic justice, standing up for voting rights and many other issues facing our country.
Working together, we can elect candidates to represent us at all levels from the school board and town council to the United States Congress and the White House. We need to take care that those whom we elect are committed to fighting for social justice and economic opportunity for all Americans.
Will you help? Find a way to get involved. Learn about candidates and issues. Be sure to register to vote. Help others get registered and informed.
If you go to, you can read the story of what is considered Independence Day for Black Americans. In this day and age of instant communication, it's hard to realize how long it took for news to travel.
"Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States. Dating back to 1865, it was on June 19th that the Union soldiers, led by Major General Gordon Granger, landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended and that the enslaved were now free. Note that this was two and a half years after President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation - which had become official January 1, 1863. The Emancipation Proclamation had little impact on the Texans due to the minimal number of Union troops to enforce the new Executive Order. However, with the surrender of General Lee in April of 1865, and the arrival of General Granger’s regiment,the forces were finally strong enough to influence and overcome the resistance."
We know that many did not celebrate the end of slavery. We know that forces to this day have conspired to keep Black people at a disadvantage. But, Juneteenth is a day to celebrate the beginning of freedom and to celebrate and educate.
While it has been 152 years since Lincoln signed the document, we still have our work cut out for us in combating racism, fighting for economic justice, standing up for voting rights and many other issues facing our country.
Working together, we can elect candidates to represent us at all levels from the school board and town council to the United States Congress and the White House. We need to take care that those whom we elect are committed to fighting for social justice and economic opportunity for all Americans.
Will you help? Find a way to get involved. Learn about candidates and issues. Be sure to register to vote. Help others get registered and informed.
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