Saturday, January 10, 2015

Getting a Higher Education in America

For middle class families, getting their children through college is full of peril. Most families in the middle class already have both parents working to support the family. Why not make it easier for their children to get an education? That's what our President has proposed. If a young person is willing to work hard and focus on school, then they will be able to get their first two years of college paid for under his plan. As expected, GOP heads exploded at the outrage. How can we pay for it? Why should they get something so important for free? Because the reality is that income inequality is getting worse and education is one way to address access to higher income. That's pretty simple, isn't it? So remember that when you hear all the out cry over the President's plan.

Here's is a great pdf to share that makes the case for getting a higher education:

Other industrialized countries have made this a priority and we should, too.

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