Saturday, January 17, 2015

Getting Involved at the Local Level

Some areas have active Democratic Clubs where individuals can meet and organize. This is a great place to get started if you have such clubs in your area. But what if there aren't any? As I looked for local Democratic Clubs, I was dismayed to find there were none in my area. We have a county Democratic Central Committee; but, that is for elected people who represent Democrats in our county. There really is no place for the average citizen to go to get involved in supporting the Democratic agenda and party.

I found out that several young men had tried to start a Young Democrats Club, but, it failed for lack of interest. So, my only choice is to travel outside my county or try to start one myself.

If you are in a situation like mine, where do you start? First thing that I've done is contact my state Democratic Party to see if I need to obtain a charter. After that, I will have to find a place to hold a meeting and advertise to see if I can get any local interest. If we are going to win in 2016, we can't sit around and wait for something to happen. We have to be the change.

Pat Taylor Fuller is an Editor for Progressive Democrats - Moving Forward, Not Back, and she has a blogspot named Pat's Commentary

1 comment:

  1. Even though the Central Committee is for elected townspeople, anyone is welcome to attend, to speak, and to take part. The only thing you don't get to do is vote. Who knows? The next vacancy that comes up might be filled by you!
