Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The GOP Threat to Social Security

Remember how the GOP campaigned on cutting taxes for corporations and cutting Social Security benefits? Neither do I. Yet, it seems that is exactly what they plan to do. Does anyone seriously think the GOP Congress actually cares what the American people want? Instead of listening to the myriad of polls that tell them we want Social Security and Medicare strengthened, not cut, the GOP in Congress are trying to create a fake crisis in Social Security Disability to then proceed with their privatization plans. Dylan Scott at Talking Points Memo  tells about their plans.

If this topic interests you, then please check out The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare has a great website and a Take Action tab.

Last week, while we were noticing other things, House GOP pushed through a little rule change that goes far in accomplishing their goal of creating a crisis.  In case you missed it:

If we don't stay alert and focused, they will do more of this in other areas. Tell them to Back Off Social Security and let them know you are watching what they are doing. That is the only way we can hold them accountable.

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