Thursday, January 8, 2015

Rules are Boring - Who Needs Rules?

In a civil society, rules are a necessary tool. We cannot conduct any business without a few rules of conduct. Manners are simply rules of behavior we are taught that guide us in social situations. In today's world we still use Robert's Rules to guide us in conducting our meetings. Why? Isn't that boring and passe'? Who needs it? We do!
You see Robert's Rules has four guiding principles:

Justice and courtesy for all
Doing only one thing at a time
The majority rules
The minority has a right to be heard.

I, personally, believe that EVERY meeting of individuals would be better if we all agreed to follow a common set of rules to guide our behavior. Take a look at this document prepared for Cornell University Faculty meetings:

Now, imagine how nice it would be if we all followed this protocol.
"Guiding Principle:
Everyone has the right to participate in discussion if they wish, before anyone may speak a
second time.
Everyone has the right to know what is going on at all times.
Only urgent matters may interrupt a speaker.
Only one thing (motion) can be discussed at a time."

Whenever we have a group of people gathered together for a common task, we need an agreed upon set of rules and people who are adept in understanding and applying them to the task at hand.

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