Thursday, January 15, 2015

Pander to the Base

Well, they've done it again! The House of Representatives has passed another bill that has ZERO chance of ever making it to the President's desk or would get vetoed if it did. "The measure passed in a 236-191 vote, with 10 Republicans voting against it and two Democrats voting in favor."

Why pass a bill that you know is going nowhere? "The White House has already promised that President Obama would veto the DHS bill if “ideological provisions” were tied to it.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) accused Republicans of “picking an unnecessary political fight” and vowed the House bill “will not pass the Senate.”
Simple, you can go home and tell your base you did it but the big, bad Democrats wouldn't go along. They assume their base is too ignorant to realize they are being played.  maybe they are. But, it's our job to call them out every time they do it. That way the people who voted for these Republicans will learn what fools they have elected. Eventually, even the most die hard Republican will get sick and tired of them wasting taxpayer's money on useless bills. We can hope!

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